@extends('cms.layouts.main') @section('content') @include('cms.layouts.headers.partials', ['title' => 'Edit Record'])

{{ $page_info['title'] }}

@include('cms.components.alert', ['with' => 'status', 'class' => 'success'])
@csrf @method('put')
{{-- First Name --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.text', ['label' => 'First Name', 'asterix' => true, 'name' => 'first_name'])
{{-- Last Name --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.text', ['label' => 'Last Name', 'asterix' => true, 'name' => 'last_name'])
{{-- Father Name --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.text', ['label' => 'Father Name', 'asterix' => true, 'name' => 'father_name'])
{{-- Email --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.text', ['label' => 'Email', 'asterix' => true, 'name' => 'email'])
{{-- Mobile Number --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.text', ['label' => 'Mobile Number', 'asterix' => true, 'name' => 'mobile_number'])
{{-- Phone Number --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.text', ['label' => 'Phone Number', 'name' => 'phone_number'])
{{-- ID Number --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.text', ['label' => 'ID Number', 'asterix' => true, 'name' => 'id_number'])
{{-- Marital Status --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.select-single', ['label' => 'Marital Status', 'name' => 'marital_status_id', 'placeholder' => 'Please select a Marital Status', 'rows' => $marital_statuses, 'attribute' => 'title'])
{{-- Date of Birth --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.date', ['label' => 'Date of Birth', 'asterix' => true, 'name' => 'date_of_birth'])
{{-- Country of Birth --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.select-single', ['label' => 'Country of Birth', 'asterix' => true, 'name' => 'country_of_birth_id', 'placeholder' => 'Please select a Country of Birth', 'rows' => $countries, 'attribute' => 'name'])
{{-- City of Residence --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.select-single', ['label' => 'City of Residence', 'asterix' => true, 'name' => 'city_of_residence_id', 'placeholder' => 'Please select a City of Residence', 'rows' => $regions, 'attribute' => 'title'])
{{-- Street --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.text', ['label' => 'Street', 'name' => 'street'])
{{-- Building --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.text', ['label' => 'Building', 'name' => 'building'])
{{-- Password --}}
@if($errors->has('password')) {{ $errors->first('password') }} @endif
{{-- Wallet --}} @include('cms.components.inputs.number', ['label' => 'Wallet', 'name' => 'wallet'])